Saturday, September 4, 2010

Summer - I hardly knew you.

Summer came...and summer went. Bubba mastered the potty and now sports all kinds of cool undies (and thankfully he has stopped yelling about pooping on the potty to every stranger we meet). We survived a 3 day drive back to Ohio for a family visit and then a 3 day drive back - but just barely. Hubby and I both survived our HS reunions separately (his in Hawaii and mine in Ohio). Sassy spent the summer whining and kvetching about her extreme boredom and asking me every 20 minutes for a piece of gum...or if George could play...or some other incessant annoying stupid shit over and over until I would scream. She also made sure to not let me waste any time napping. Tiny made sure that I never fully entered REM sleep at night. He also surprised us with a bad reaction to fire ant venom and had a quick trip to the ER. One call to Poison Control for eating my deodorant. Amusing attempts at going in a little potty (totally his idea). Several peeing accidents (these can be dangerous because he usually slips in them and splats onto his back on the tile floor). He even had the nerve to pee on my leg while I was in the potty.
I have struggled with some health issues. The blog has been put on the back burner (with so many other things). I hope to get back to writing soon.
My babies give me lots of material :-).


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